Sunday, December 8, 2013

Best of Pinterest Recipes - Sunday Roundup

Once again ( OK this is like the first time but it's happening every Sunday so suspend disbelief for a moment and roll with the verbage)
  We ( I )  painstakingly drooled over thousands of Pintersting images and used our (my)  imaginary tastebuds to discern which recipes, in fact, were fit for human consumption.  Our ( my)  recommendations are as follows

The Oreo Pancake Recipe - Yes you read that right.  Let it be known I have a minor ( major) addiction to oreo cookies .  Not Double stuffed, not the Peppermint "holiday" oreos ; gimmie  Plain , circa 1912 , don't mess with the recipe O.R.E.Os. 6 oreos  plus 6 oz of cold whole milk and a spoon to mash it up with and you have my hands down favorite dessert EVA' , which I fondly and not so creatively refer to as "oreo mash"   - try it you will love it .  And try these pancakes as well because they look like giant fluffy oreos .  If I try them I will eat them EVERY DAY for ever and will need to be cut out of my house to go shopping for more Oreo Pancake ingredients - it wont be good.  I believe you are stronger people than me but if you also suffer from a potentially debilitating OREO addiction, like I do  , AVOID, AVOID, AVOID.

Americans eat a LOT of Chicken, maybe because it's fairly easy to cook and comes pre portioned, maybe because it's cheap , but at this point it's also pretty dang BORING . So I created a pinterest board dedicated to that ubiquetous dinner food CHICKEN . If you are as sick of chicken as I am , do not fear ! This board is going to be CHOCK full of chicken dishes so scrum-diddly-umptious that you will virtually BEG to have chicken dinners every night . My pick for his board is Parmesan Garlic Baked Chicken. In my virtual mouth is tastes like garlic bread crusted chicken , which sounds like an excellent idea I should have thought up long ago . Alas some far smarter person beat me too it and I can only share their genius with you

Cuban Food - what can you say about it ? It's delicious, warm, inviting Just like the people. When you can make in the crockpot and forget about it until it shows up perfectly prepared and ready to sashay into my mouth and salsa with my taste buds , even better ! When I saw this Recipe for Lechon or Cuban Pork I couldn't resist . Guess what's going in my crock pot tomorrow :)
That's it for the First Inaugural Pinterest recipe round-up. If you have some suggestions for Pins I would love send them via our contact form below , got a comment , suggestion, complaint , recommendation ....let it rip but most important FOLLOW ME ON PINTEREST ! RecipeRustle

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